Notice of public hearing & input
Zoning Amendment Bylaw (Accessory Dwellings) No. 752, 2024 and
Zoning Amendment Bylaw (Schedule C – Parking and Loading Provisions) No. 745, 2024
When: Tuesday, September 24, 2024, at 7 p.m.
Where: In person at the Parish Hall located at 140- 7th Street, Lytton, BC or online via Zoom:
- Join the Zoom meeting:
Meeting ID: 812 7662 1168 Passcode: 976273 - Join by phone: 778-907-2071
Proposal: A public hearing will be held for the following bylaws:
Zoning Amendment Bylaw (Accessory Dwellings) No. 752, 2024 is proposed allow accessory dwelling units, whether in the form of a secondary suite located within a single detached dwelling or as a second residence in a separate accessory building (i.e. carriage house or garden suite). The bylaw defines Accessory Suite, updates the definition of Single-detached Dwelling, and outlines regulations that apply where Accessory Suites are allowed as follows:
1. A lot shall contain only one (1) accessory suite whether located within a single-detached dwelling or in a separate accessory building.
2. Accessory Suites are not permitted where a duplex dwelling is located on the same lot.
3. A single-detached dwelling must be constructed prior to or at the same time as an accessory suite.
4. An Accessory Suite shall have a maximum total floor area of 90m2 (968ft2).
5. An Accessory Suite must be constructed in accordance with the applicable Building Code regulations and be approved by a building inspector.
6. An unobstructed lit pathway at least 1.1m (3.5ft) wide shall be provided between the front lot line and the entrance to the Accessory Suite.
7. A separate outside entrance must be provided to the Accessory Suite where it is contained in a single-detached dwelling.
8. An Accessory Suite cannot be located in an accessory building on lots less than 280m2 (3,014ft2) in area.
9. The minimum distance between a single-detached dwelling and an accessory suite contained in an accessory building is 3.0m (9.8ft).
10. An Accessory Suite must be:
a. connected to the community water and sanitary sewer system; or
b. be located on a lot 0.2ha (.49ac) or greater in area serviced with:
i. an onsite sanitary sewer system has been installed in accordance with the sewerage system regulations under the Public Health Act;
ii. a proven back up field area in case of system failure; and
iii. potable water
11. One (1) additional off-street parking space must be provided for the Accessory Suite in addition to the parking requirement for the single-detached dwelling.
Zoning Amendment Bylaw (Schedule C – Parking and Loading Provisions) No. 745, 2024 is proposed to delete Schedule C in its entirety and replace it with an updated Schedule C.
Schedule C – Parking and Loading Regulations is being updated to better reflect community needs. Changes include, but are not limited, to the following:
1. Updated references to provincial regulations;
2. Removal of exemptions for existing buildings;
3. Clarification that:
a. Off-street parking and loading requirements may be waived in the C1 zone, where it is determined that expected parking and loading needs can be accommodated with on-street parking or in parking facilities within the vicinity of the development without the 125m distance limitation;
b. Outdoor unenclosed patio and deck areas of Eating Establishments do not require additional off-street parking;
4. Reduced setback distances between parking spaces and lot lines;
5. Reduced manoeuvring aisle width from 7.5m to 6.5m for right angle parking;
6. Removal of the “number of employees” as a unit of measurement of parking requirements; and
7. Parking requirements stated in spaces per square metre of Gross Floor Area at a rate consistent with similar-sized communities.
All persons who believe their interest in the property is affected by the proposed amendment bylaw will be given a reasonable opportunity to be heard. Members of the public can participate in the public hearing in person or online and will be given an opportunity to speak on the bylaws.
Provide your comments in one of the following ways:
1. By email:,
2. By hand: Corporate Officer 769 S-Trans-Canada Hwy
3. Mail: P.O. Box 100, Lytton, BC V0K 1Z0, or
4. Join the public hearing in person or on Zoom. Council will give you an opportunity to speak.
Written submissions must be addressed to “Mayor and Council”, include your name and mailing address, and be received by 12 p.m. on the day of the public hearing. Any written submissions received after 12 p.m. will not be accepted.
Any written submissions become part of the agenda package and will be posted on the Village website.
More information:
A copy of the proposed bylaws and other relevant background materials are available for review:
• On the Village of Lytton portal for Council Meetings:
• At the Village Office: 769 S Trans-Canada Hwy, Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. (excluding statutory holidays).
Following the close of a public hearing, no further submissions from the public can be accepted by members of Council. This is necessary to ensure a fair public hearing process and provide a reasonable opportunity for people to respond at the public hearing.
• For information about the proposal, email Jack from the Planning team at
• For information about the meeting, email Corporate Officer Lisa Storoshenko at