Have your say: health services in Lytton

May 25, 2023

Learn more about engagement opportunities related to health services at EngageIH.ca/Lytton

Interior Health (IH) is engaging with the community to hear ideas and questions about re-establishing Lytton’s health services. This first phase of engagement will take place April and May 2023, with future engagement opportunities planned later in 2023 and onward. This information will help guide planning for a permanent primary care facility in Lytton, which will be built in the next three to five years.

IH leaders are connecting with local First Nations communities to listen to what the health care priorities are within these areas. Meetings with the Lytton First Nation, Kanaka Bar Indian Band, Nicomen Indian Band, Siska Indian Band, Skuppah Indian Band, and Cook’s Ferry Indian Band have been requested. We are also connecting with leaders within the Village of Lytton, and area residents.

How to get involved

Whether you’re a resident or a health partner who is working in the community, Interior Health wants to hear from you.

Here’s how to share your ideas, questions and thoughts on how we can re-build Lytton’s health services:

  • Register to have your say and stay up-to-date. The one-time registration process is easy and gives you access to discussions, surveys and other tools. Your information remains confidential and private and only your username will appear on the site.

Temporary primary care facility coming summer 202

While planning is underway for a permanent primary care centre in Lytton, a temporary health care facility will be opened by Interior Health (IH) summer 2023. The facility will be located on the Lytton First Nation next to the Tl’kemtsin Community Health Centre. IH will relocate services currently provided at the Tl’Kemstin Health Centre including:

  • primary care services five days per week (in person and/virtual primary care options)
  • mental health and substance use services
  • home health services

Other services are expected to be added later this year. A permanent health care facility for Lytton is planned in the next three to five years. This project has been managed in three phases including:

  • Phase 1 establishment of services – December 2021 to present: Currently, primary care, home health, and mental health and substance use (MHSU) services are being delivered at the Lytton First Nation Tl’kemtsin Health Centre.
  • Phase 2 interim build and services – Summer 2023: Includes a temporary modular build on the Lytton First Nation site to deliver more comprehensive health services in the community and to the surrounding First Nations communities. The installation of this facility will be completed in the summer of 2023.
  • Phase 3 permanent health services and a newly built health-care facility – three-to-five year window: Preliminary planning for permanent health services is underway and a community-wide engagement program will help guide decision making on Phase 3.