On September 24, 2024, there were two public hearings, followed by a Regular Council meeting.
Public hearings
There were public hearings for the following bylaws (Download the presentation):
- Zoning Amendment Bylaw (Accessory Dwellings) No. 752, 2024
- Zoning Amendment Bylaw (Schedule C – Parking and Loading Provisions) No. 745, 2024
Council did not receive any public input on the bylaws, and gave third reading to both bylaws later in the meeting.
Regular Council meeting
During the Regular Council Meeting, Lytton Council:
- Approved a contract for $965,780 plus taxes to construct Public Works building to be funded from the Emergency Management and Climate Readiness grant of $17.6 million;
Received an update on backfilling from the Recovery Director;
Received a report on the delegation of authority under the Development Approval Procedures Bylaw;
Received an update on the Village of Lytton’s emergency program, directed staff to engage regional partners to establish joint response and recovery for emergency incidents, adopted the Village of Lytton’s emergency plan, and delegated authority to members of the emergency program to revise appendices as needed;
Rescinded first three readings of Development Approval Procedures Amendment Bylaw No. 758, 2024 for delegation parking and loading variances, and provided first three readings for the revised bylaw; and
Adopted Permissive Tax Exemption Bylaw No. 757, 2024.’