At their meeting on Tuesday, September 10, Lytton Council:
- approved the 2024–2034 UBCM Community Works Fund agreement and authorized the Mayor and Corporate Officer to sign the agreement;
- received the Development Services Activity Report;
- received correspondence from Canada Pacific Kansas City (CPKC) and Canadian National Railway Company (CN) and proclaimed September 23 to 29, 2024 as Rail Safety Week;
received a permissive tax exemption report and provided first three readings for Permissive Tax Exemption Bylaw 757, 2024;
received a report on delegation of authority and fees for parking and loading variances and gave first three readings to Development Approval Procedures Amendment Bylaw (Parking & Loading Variance Delegation) No. 758, 2024 and related Fees and Charges Amendment Bylaw (Delegated DVPs) No. 759, 2024;
received a report on the update of parking regulations in the zoning bylaw, gave second reading to Zoning Amendment Bylaw (Schedule C – Parking and Loading Provisions) No. 745, 2024, and authorized staff to schedule a public hearing; and
received a report on accessory dwelling units, gave second reading to Zoning Amendment Bylaw (Accessory Dwellings) No. 752, 2024″ as amended and authorized staff to schedule a public hearing;