At their meeting on May 28, Council:
- directed staff to award a contract of $19,550 + tax to Upanup for the Village of Lytton’s website redesign and authorized Chief Administrative Officer Diane Mombourquette to execute the contract;
- authorized staff to submit a request to Infrastructure Canada for funding to develop a feasibility study/concept plan for a Community Fire and Emergency Building;
- adopted the Civic Addressing Policy, which was amended to include consultation with local First Nations;
- received an information report about the Official Community Plan permit areas project (Download the presentation here and read more below);
- received an information report on accessory dwelling units (Download the presentation);
- authorized the purchase of a double restroom structure to be located at the ATCO trailer site (455 Fraser Street) and connected to sewer and water systems;
- authorized a contract of $24,875 + tax to Legacy Excavating for water and sewer extension up 5th Street; and
- adopted the Growing Communities Reserve Fund Bylaw No. 751, 2024.
Watch the recording
Read the agenda
The next Regular Council Meeting is on Tuesday, June 11 at 7 p.m. at the Parish Hall and on Zoom.
The agenda package will be posted on CivicWeb by the end of the day on Friday, June 7.