December 13, 2023 Council briefs

January 14, 2024

At the Council meeting on December 13, Council:

  • Received an information update and directed staff to prepare a policy for administering three Lytton funds held by the BC Interior Community Foundation

  • Received a report on community engagement to related infrastructure needs and priorities. Download the presentation

  • Authorized the Village of Lytton to enter into a funding agreement for $135,000 for long-term planning for Lytton’s, water, sewer, and roads infrastructure. The grant funding has been approved through the Union of BC Municipalities under the Strategic Priorities Fund, Community-Building Fund

  • Received a recovery project update from the Recovery Director. Download the presentation.

  • Approved a change order request for Ecora Engineering for $22,425 to determine if the lands located at approximately 321 and 311 Loring Way are geotechnically viable to locate a new Fire Hall

  • Authorized Development Permit No. 2023-01 for a mixed-use building at 224 and 280 Main Street. The proposed building will consist of a supermarket, liquor store, and two retail stores, which are intended to be used as a coffee / deli shop and an office. Two residential units are planned for the second storey of the building. Download the presentation.

  • Approved the award of a contract to McRae Environmental for $35,960.00 for sewer system flushing and inspection of sewer lines to be funded from the $6.26-million grant from Municipal Affairs

  • Approved change order requests to Matcon ($96,690) and Arcadis/ IBI Group ($24,900) as part of additional work preparing for an archaeological excavation.

Council also cancelled the Regular Council Meeting for December 27, 2023. 

If you missed the meeting, you can watch the recording here.